UO Housing

University Housing is the department responsible for providing safe and adequate housing and residential learning experiences to students living on campus. Academic Residential Communities (ARCs) were established to improve academic performance and graduation rate of first-year students. The videos we produce are designed to be a communication tool used by UO Housing to help admitted first-year students select the ARC that’s best for them.

UO Common Reading

Building community, engaging in discussion and expanding knowledge are some of the main values of University of Oregon Common Reading Program. We strive to take the central themes and ideas from the 2019-2020 book selection: Under the Feet of Jesus and transform them into a visual representation. With our video, we hope to spark academic discussions among first-year students and act as a bridge that clarifies and inspires a college-level literary analysis.

Lane Transit District

Founded in 1970, Lane Transit District (LTD) is a public transit agency in Lane County, Oregon serving nearly11 million people in the Eugene and Springfield metropolitan areas. LTD launched several new initiatives in 2019, including it’s Point2Point program, where LTD connects commuters with transportation options to discourage privately owned single-occupancy vehicle use. These videos will help commuters understand their different transportation options within the area.